You know that point in the movie where the skys open up, the sun shines through the clouds and you hear angels (I dunno, I assumed it was angels) singing AHHHHHHHHH (ok, ok, I've been trying to recreate the sound via type in my head, but can't seem to do it justice)?
This is THAT moment Rita! YOUR moment!
We know we feel better after exercise. But now you, Rita, KNOW you feel better after exercise!
The thing that I've learned, even for myself, is that you have to do whatever it takes to trick yourself into doing what is best for you. I do it all the time. I avoid places that I might behave badly at (OH, all the time!), I don't buy foods I shouldn't eat, I even became a Personal Trainer to make sure I got exercise! I buy vegetables so I will eat them, I ride the bike because I know my hips might feel better, I spend time with people that might influence me positively...
Maybe this is the way that you need to trick yourself into feeling better? I'm actually glad. This feels like a breakthrough.
Just imagine weighing in without that 30lbs on your chest?
Location:The higher ground