So. It's been a while since I reported regularly in this here blog thing. I have to be honest with you, dear Internet, I've been getting a little slack. Not to the point where I've stopped believing in this whole adventure, but somehow just... slowing... down.... easing back into less than productive habits. I'm still making progress, but it's a pound a week instead of 2 or 3 and the inches are slowing down as well. Again, a little here and there, but not the same as the first couple of months. I have no reason behind this and something happened today that is making me take a really good hard look at some stuff.
One of my cousins was killed in a tragic farm accident. I'm having a hard time with this. He was one of the nicest men to ever grace this earth. He was kind, and happy, and generous, and loving, and wonderful. He's leaving behind a beautiful family and friends and people who loved him. Our whole family is heartbroken.
So what does this have to do with me and this experiment? He lived life to the fullest. This was something that I promised myself when I took this on. That I would stop making excuses as to why I can't be more, be better, do the things that I stopped myself from doing.
So. Now what?
First I have to process today. Then I have to give myself a good talking to. I'll let you know how that goes.
Rita, I am so sorry to hear this news. My prayers and many hugs for you and your family.