Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Blocky-mc-blocker pants...

So blocks to my success have been discussed here and there and Tara has given me the task of trying to identify those things that I'm putting in the way of my kicking some serious health ass.

I put it off for a week using being in Kelowna as an excuse. Then I put it off claiming to be very busy.

And then I had that crystal clear flash of insight.

My biggest barrier? Stupid PROCRASTINATION. I am horrible about putting things off that need to be dealt with. It is The Thing that I am least proud of.

I'm going to work on this... tomorrow. ;o)

In all seriousness, it is something that I need to address in a big way because it affects my entire life, not just my health...

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya...procrastination is one of my biggest problems too. I'm afraid things won't turn out perfectly so don't even try. But when I take a chance, I'm usually happy with what happens, even if it doesn't turn out the way I planned. Good for you for identifying it as a problem...let me know if you figure out a magic cure!
