Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Week of 20

For a "mulligan" week the results are actually impressive.
As of this week Rita has lost 20 pounds and over 20 inches all over.
As mentioned in her previous post, I am asking rita to consider her "obstacles". Each one of us has these obstacles. Little niggly things (self talk/doubt, fears etc etc) that have stopped us from achieving our goals in the past.
Rita and I have had ALOT of discussion about it. I think that there is definately a bit of a wall up there somewhere. She is making changes, for sure, but not as quickly as she might if she were to acknowledge these barriers/obstacles.
Please understand, its not a fault or a criticism of what she is currently doing. I happen to think she's doing fantastic! She's making better choices, feeling better, losing the weight etc etc. Its all good. I just happen to think she could get there faster.
So we'll see how this plays out next week. We spoke about it, and with Ritas permission I think next week we will post her actual numbers?

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