Saturday, April 30, 2011

Week one - check. Pictoral evidence - check. Awesome feeling of accomplishment - check.

I'm feeling pretty good about everything so far.  As I said to Tara, the motivation for me is not "the pictures", the motivation is getting to work with someone who knows her shit, knows how to fix my shit and is, without a shadow of a doubt, on my "team".  The price I have to pay for that support and guidance is having those god-awful pictures taken of me. 

I like my new goals, they are not overwhelming or unattainable.  I'm pretty pleased about the 4 lbs lost since April 4th and I'm really looking forward to going forward.


This just in...

Rita is just walking out the door right now from my gym and we have done our "before" pictures both clothed and in her sexy new undies. (I have to apologize to the poor woman who walked in on us as I was on my knees showing Rita the pictures as Rita stood over me in her purple lacy undies hahahaha)

I have also done head to toe measurements, weight and taken her body fat measurement using a Bioimpedance Analyzer.

Rita has goals of overall health improvement. I, personally, have other goals for her.

Her current Bodyfat percentage is way to high at 44%. My goal is to get this down to under 25% - a healthy percentage taking away her increased risk of all sorts of heart diseases and other health issues. (Did that make sense? I just felt myself rambling)

Now, with regards to her measurements, I took a total of 12 measurements. When all these numbers are added up Rita's total inches are 384.75. This is the number that I want to see the most significant changes to. I'll keep you up to date.

So. Rita's goals for this week are as follows.

1. To eat something every 2-3 hours, never going over three hours

2. To consume 250 mls of water at each of those meals

3. To continue journalling

4. To try and spend between 10-20 minutes/day that she would ordinarily be sitting and do something moving during that time.

Rita - your turn. Thoughts?

Friday, April 29, 2011

One week down...

So, I've been keeping a food journal for one week now and I have to say I've noticed a pretty significant difference in how I feel.  I haven't really "cut out" any foods, or existed solely on rabbit food and air but I'm willing to bet that I've dropped a pound or two.  I know I feel better.  Less bloated, less heartburn, and much to my family's relief, less gas.

I think the biggest difference is that I'm thinking about everything that goes in my mouth as opposed to blindly eating in a vain effort to "feel better".  And the result is that I actually feel better.  Cutting back on drinking is also making a difference in my energy levels - I'm not as lethargic during the day.  To wit, I actually had a couple glasses of wine last night with friends and today I was all... blarg.  Got a decent amount of sleep, but just felt... yeah, blarg is the only way to describe it.

I'm meeting up with Tara tomorrow to do all my measurements, weigh in and *gulp* take pictures.

Will update with all the gory details once that happens...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Didja forget I see your Facebook status?

How was dinner? Did you write it down? When are we meeting this week? I have time on Wednesday night....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Picture this...

I'm totally fine with the "Mile 1" photos and am shopping for pretty ginch on Monday after work.

I'm kind of liking the look of this one:

But might go with practical instead and get this one:

We'll see what the local store has to offer.  Maybe I'll get both ;o)

In agreement

Rita - I totally agree. None of this is meant to be a negative experience. Besides, if everything goes in the direction we want it to, these pictures will likely never be posted anyway.

When Rita and I were first speaking about her goals, we were trying to find some motivation to get her to adhere to whatever plan developed. I had mentioned my previous "Shamefit" idea an she had agreed. Again, I don't think the idea was to ever to be embarassing, more just incentive to stick with the plan.

I've known Rita for, what, 25 years? I've always known her to be active. (beginning with our cheerleading days - damn, I keep meaning to find that picture - LOL) and for the past couple of years that has simply become less so. What typically happens when someone is moving less, is that eating habits soon change also. I think the body craves food differently at that point. So these two things have brought Rita to where she is today.

The great part about this for Rita is that as of today she has no medical conditions (but a scary family history), no injuries, no real barriers and a great amount of self confidence and drive. NO EXCUSES. And she really wants to make sure that it stays this way and is at a great age to turn things around.

So tell me - having reviewed your reasons for taking the pictures - have you changed your mind? I still think its a good idea to get a photographic reminder of where you are coming from.

I'm going to go find that picture now.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Points to ponder...

My good friend Andi posted this comment:
My first suggestion:
Don't make the photo shoot anything nice.
No pretty ginchies.
Are you PROUD to be in them?
There should be absolutely no reason what-so-ever that can allow you to feel okay with this initial set of photos.
These are the "At My Worst" images...barely the kind you want to post on your fridge to remind yourself not to chow down too heavily.
And I had to ponder a bit to figure out exactly why this didn't ring true with me.

I completely understand where she is coming from, but to be honest, my reasons for doing this are varied.  Being "ashamed" of what I look like is not one of them.  I kinda like who I am and what I am about and that includes the body that carries me around.   That is one of the reasons I'm doing this.  Not because I hate myself and the way I look, but because I love myself enough to know that I need to take better care of myself and achieve a better level of fitness.

I've told a few people about my family health history.  My mom's side of the family has a very large percentage of people with heart issues, regardless of size, fitness, lifestyle (non smokers, non drinkers).  My dad lost one of his brothers to a heart attack.  On both sides there are people who wear pacemakers.  Heart problems are rampant in my family and I know full well that if I don't take better care of it now when I'm able to, it's going to be that much worse for me down the road.

I don't smoke and haven't for 20 years... wow, actually, my quit date was sometime in April, so happy anniversary to me I guess... I drink socially but I've cut down my drinking so I'm only having a couple glasses on the weekend instead of sharing a bottle a few times a week.  My blood pressure is bang on, I don't have any thyroid issues and I'm pretty much a-ok health wise.  I do have asthma, but I manage it with medication and even though it will add to the challenge of getting fit, I know I can deal with whatever comes up.


I have a hard time walking up more than one flight of stairs.  I can't bend into the yoga positions that I used to easily manipulate myself into.  My feet hurt ALL. THE. TIME.  I have low energy.  I'm not happy with how I feel physically.  I'm not as concerned as much with what I look like.

So back to the "pretty ginch" comment... I'm going to wear pretty ginch for my first photo.  Not because I think those photos will be spread all over the internet for all the world to see, but because I want to make this whole process as positive, happy and encouraging as possible.  I don't want any negative thinking in to create doubt that I can't accomplish my goals.  I am not worried about what I look like in those photos because they are just a milestone.  My "Mile 1" so to speak.

Besides, I need a new bra.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


And that my friend is half the battle. Creating an awareness of what habits you are currently partaking in is the only way that we can start to make changes to those habits and make them better!

I expect you to lie a little bit. You won't have to for long! :)

Its a great lesson to learn and keep - to keep a journal. It creates an accountability, even to yourself, of what you're doing.

I'm proud of you my friend. That's step one. Keep it up!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Watching me, watching you... ahhhhaaaaaa... (thanks ABBA!)

Physics has shown that simply observing atoms at the quantum level is enough to change them.  I believe the same is to be held true for most people.  More specifically me.  KNOWING that I would have to report my daily food intake has caused me to be UBER aware of what I'm putting in my maw.  With this in mind, you, my dear Tara, will have to add an extra, say, 10 to 25% on to what you estimate my daily noms to be.  Just saying.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

You and me and some sexy undies...

... like we haven't been THERE before... ;) Just kiddin'

So. What I would like to do first is two things. First, pictures and measurements. You and I will pick a time to set this up. Its helpful to know what your starting point is. I'm going to do front, back and side pictures and a head to toe set of measurements.

Secondly, we need to see where your habits are currently at to figure out what needs adjusting first. So if you could please, I would like you to journal your eating and your exercise habits. Get a notebook and write down everything you eat and drink (and at what time) as well as what exercise you are currently doing.

It would also be helpful for you to keep track of your energy level or how you are feeling at certain points in the day. If you feel particularly energetic or tired, make note.

Maybe what I'll get you to do is to start the journalling tomorrow and we will meet in a weeks time to both review the journal and do measurements?

Monday, April 18, 2011


Bring it.

I at least get to wear pretty ginch though.  Aight?

Alrighty then!


We had discussed the Shamefit plan. The idea is that you and I will get together and take some pictures. You in bra and panties. I will keep these pictures hidden.

Then we sit down and formulate a plan. Involving some combination of nutrition and exercise that you will agree to follow for a two week period. Yes?

I'm thinking NO EXCEPTIONS.

As long as you follow our agreed plan, being accountable here, on this blog, the pictures stay safe.

The minute you DON'T follow the plan we start, shall we say, exposing you to your blogging friends.


Open book?

I think I'm pretty comfortable with posting "most" of the gory details about this adventure on here. The idea behind this blog is to push me out of my comfort zone and give me a huge dose of accountability. As long as we work together I don't think I have anything to worry about. I trust you and I believe you have my best intentions at heart.

Let's rock this.

Well Rita

Here we are. So Rita - how honest/public are you ready to BE about all of this? My thinking is - if we set up your plan(s) using this blog as our forum it would give you accountability. Thoughts?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sink or swim...

Well, it's starting.  I've lived 41 years in this body and it's about time I started taking better care of it before it has enough, stomps it's feet and leaves the room.

Wish me luck kids.

I'm meeting with Tara Lowry later this week.  She's a trainer at Dynamic Health and Fitness ( and she's promised to kick my ass into shape.  Here's the "best" part... if I don't follow her plan, she gets to post pictures of me in all my succulent, fleshy glory.  I'm thinking that's pretty good motivation to do as I'm told, don't you?

I'm hoping I inspire others to take this journey with me.  I'll need all the help I can get.