Saturday, April 30, 2011

This just in...

Rita is just walking out the door right now from my gym and we have done our "before" pictures both clothed and in her sexy new undies. (I have to apologize to the poor woman who walked in on us as I was on my knees showing Rita the pictures as Rita stood over me in her purple lacy undies hahahaha)

I have also done head to toe measurements, weight and taken her body fat measurement using a Bioimpedance Analyzer.

Rita has goals of overall health improvement. I, personally, have other goals for her.

Her current Bodyfat percentage is way to high at 44%. My goal is to get this down to under 25% - a healthy percentage taking away her increased risk of all sorts of heart diseases and other health issues. (Did that make sense? I just felt myself rambling)

Now, with regards to her measurements, I took a total of 12 measurements. When all these numbers are added up Rita's total inches are 384.75. This is the number that I want to see the most significant changes to. I'll keep you up to date.

So. Rita's goals for this week are as follows.

1. To eat something every 2-3 hours, never going over three hours

2. To consume 250 mls of water at each of those meals

3. To continue journalling

4. To try and spend between 10-20 minutes/day that she would ordinarily be sitting and do something moving during that time.

Rita - your turn. Thoughts?

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