Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wait! DAILY???? I missed a few days....

Ok, so this weekend was tough. Party on Saturday night (some nibbling, two glasses of wine - red, for my health), baby shower on Sunday (more nibbling, no wine)... All things considered though, I'm pretty pleased with my progress. Yes I indulged, but not obscenely so and then yesterday I was right back on track. Today is much of the same. Eating every two to three hours, mostly fruits and veggies or controlled amounts of whole wheat pretzles or one of my daughter's "healthy cookies" - made out of whole wheat flour and honey instead of sugar... Pretty dang tasty actually...

I also got a walk in yesterday by trotting to my voting station and back. I'm actually thinking that this will be the biggest challenge in all this, MAKING the time to get some exercise after being so sedentary for so long. Eating comes naturally to me (shocked, aren't you) but getting off my tail and going out for a walk is not. I am going to have to employ the "hey good friends who love me and want me to succeed, what are YOU doing right now? Come walk with me..." method of dealing with this. If I know motivation is a challenge, make it someone else's job.

I should be in management.

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