Monday, May 30, 2011

Just do it

Two suggestions;

1. Put your workout shoes on before you leave work. Sounds silly I know, but try it.

2. This one is kind of mind over matter. You have to remember 3 things. First, we are creating a HABIT. You can't develop the habit without taking action. Second, remember how much better you will feel for having done something and how lousy you feel when you don't. Third, anything is better than nothing. If you are absolutely, over the top drained, get out, get some fresh air and just move.

(here's where I become hard-ass trainer)

The shorter version is that this is the cycle you've created and we are trying to break that cycle. You're making excuses and you can't do that and have it be acceptable and still expect to make changes. You have to get up and move.

Just do it.

Trust me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Just Do It

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