Saturday, May 14, 2011


So I've been silly sick for the last three days.  Truth be told I shouldn't have even gone into work yesterday (it had NOTHING to do with the glorious weather outside, I promise), because the sneezy/sniffly/coughy/yucky feeling that started on Thursday just got progressively worse throughout the day on Friday and by the time I got home from work, I only had enough energy to grab a pillow and a blanket and huddle down on the couch.  I was fed leftover Minestrone soup and I slept.  And slept.  And then slept some more.

So needless to say, I, Rita Floor, admit to going two whole days without doing any exercise.  I did some sit-ups and leg lifts and butt crunches on Thursday but other than that nada.

And then I got the notion to get my garden in working order so I joined forces with Andi and we got some soil.  Boy howdy did we get some soil.  We hit the landfill and got two loads of compost which we proceeded to spread on her yard and then on mine.  It was hard labour people.  Tara, I know you wanted me at a RPE of about 7 but I'm pretty sure I hit 9 a couple times today.  It was very satisfying, very productive and CHEAP!  We got a whole trailer FULL of soil for a whopping $20!  It's beautiful, dark, and will be FANTASTIC for my new garden.  I had been quoted over $110 to get the exact same soil delivered to me but by getting it ourselves, we saved money and got a really good day of sweating in.

And the best part?  It erased any and all guilt I felt over not having exercised the previous two days.  Because I WORKED.  HARD.  I know I'm going to feel it tomorrow and that's alright by me.  I'm planning a good long walk tomorrow afternoon to work out some of the kinks.

I'll post some pictures of the garden when it's all planted up.

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